Monday, June 26, 2017

Proficiencies Progress

I've been working for awhile to compile all the published non-weapon proficiencies from various 2nd Edition AD&D sources, and I think I'm mostly done. I'm sure a few more will turn up here and there as I research other elements of my build, but I've got enough to start cooking them down to a manageable number. I thought I'd share where I'm at in case anyone wants to do something similar while skipping the first exhausting step.

Going through the raw list was prohibitive due to size, so I sorted everything into smaller categories to better locate similarities that I'd want to merge. The categories here are arbitrary and probably won't appear in the final document--they were just organizational aids. Still, I thought I'd include them here for completeness I suppose. Sources are not included below, but if anyone has a question about a particular proficiency, leave a comment and I'll provide it.

The list here isn't in alphabetical order. Sorry about that. It's an artifact of going through the proficiencies themselves alphabetically and sorting them under new names. The term on the left is the new proficiency name (many of which are still working titles--suggestions welcome!), and the list right of each term contains the proficiencies that have been merged to make the new one. Also, you'll note that some were merged despite being different skills, due to similarity of purpose (such as Glass Blowing and Pottery). In the final rules, I will likely ask players to specify which element their character is skilled in. Some elements will also be stripped out depending on technology level. Likewise, where a previous proficiency appears twice on the list, its elements are being divided between the two new ones.

One final note: You may notice some omissions from this list. This is because I've changed Weapon and Non-Weapon Proficiencies into Combat and Non-Combat Proficiencies. Things like Blind Fighting have been transferred to the Combat Proficiencies list, which is not yet in a publishable state.


Crafts & Skills
Metalworking - Armorer, Blacksmithing, Weaponsmithing
Woodworking - Boatwright, Carpentry, Bowyer/Fletcher
Papercrafts - Bookbinding, Papermaking
Finecrafts - Clockwork, Locksmithing, Gem Cutting
Glass & Ceramics - Glass Blowing, Pottery
Leatherworking - Cobbling, Leatherworking
Provender - Brewing, Cooking
Engineering - Engineering, Stone Masonry
Clothworking - Weaving, Seamstress
Scribe - Scribe, Forgery

Seneschal - Administration, Stewardship
Politics - Bureaucracy, Diplomacy, Politics, Statecraft

Scholarship & Sciences
Medicine - Diagnostics, Healing, Herbalism, Anatomy
Military Science - Military Science, Tactics, Tactics of Magic
Theology - Ceremony, Religion
Thaumaturgy - Thaumaturgy, Tactics of Magic, Spellcraft, Arcanology
History - Ancient History, Local History
Weather Sense
Philosophy - Philosophy, Oration/Rhetoric
Languages - Ancient Languages, Modern Languages
Heraldry - Heraldry, Geneology

Agility - Jumping, Tightrope Walking, Tumbling, Escape Artist
Stamina - Revelry, Rowing, Running, Endurance

Manipulation - Boasting, Fast Talking, Intimidation, Persuasion, Oratory
Performance - Artistic Expression / Dramatist, Dancing, Juggling, Musical Instrument, Singing

Farming - Agriculture, Animal Rendering
Seamanship - Boating, Seamanship, Rowing
Navigation - Cartography, Direction Sense, Distance Sense, Navigation
Survival - Survival, Animal Rendering, Fire Building, Fishing, Mountaineering, Foraging
Huntsman - Hunting, Animal Lore, Tracking, Set Snares
Animal Handling - Animal Handling, Animal Training, Riding (land based, air based, water based)
Ranging - Trail Marking, Trail Signs, Signaling
Prospecting - Mining, Dowsing

Appraisal - Barter, Appraisal, Looting

Chicanery - Chicanery, Prestidigitation, Somatic Concealment, Ventriloquism
Conceal - Disguise, Camouflage
Read Lips

Fortune Telling - Omen Reading, Astrology
Preening - Grooming, Massage
Artistic Ability - Artistic Ability, Tattooing
Investigation - Observation, Information Gathering, Investigation


I still need to go through the Masque of the Red Death boxed set, per Ripper X's recent post, and make some decisions about Thief Skills vs Proficiencies... but once I get the descriptions all merged together and typed up for the above, I think that will be enough to let me recharge my energy with a little work on another section of the rule set.


  1. Wow! That is a whole lot of NWPs!

    The Masque stuff is geared towards Victorian settings. Science has replaced magic, guns have made armor obsolete, and lawyers control the world. It probably isn't all that useful outside of itself.

    Back to your post, are you going to divide this up into Classes or just let everybody have at it?

    Is this more like the Weapon Proficiency system in The Complete Fighter's Handbook which allowed a player to be proficient in weapons by group?

    There is a whole lot of work put into this. I really like it!

    1. Thanks, yeah. I'll be sure to put up the finished file with descriptions on a page when it's done. The comparison to Complete Fighter is interesting, because I was looking at that earlier and didn't really think about that aspect. I suppose the answer is yes and no.

      Yes, because I'm going to do proficiencies by culture, and some of the individual components of these will be stripped out on that step (Roman-style setting PCs can take Finecrafts, but they can't do the Clockwork part, frex). No, because they aren't otherwise broken down in the descriptions into distinct elements. It's more like, "The proficient character can do A, B, and C." And "C" is usually, "Other stuff you make an argument for that the DM consents to."

      Also, part of the cultures thing is that no one PC is likely to ever look at this full list at once. This is the master list of everything I think might go into the finished campaign world somewhere, but the Player's Handbook for each campaign area will contain only the relevant bits. For Celt-analogue PCs, this list is likely to be quite short. For Roman-analogue PCs, probably pretty long.

  2. Not sure if it's any help and you might already be aware of it, but I found this list/compilation of all published NWP across all ADnD-products.

    1. Excellent resource, thank you. Shame I didn't find it before all that redundant work, haha.
